I have always been in search of answers to the question “How can I see Dimension Shift better and in more detail?”. As a result of my search, I developed a new technique that I call “Bitmap Technique”. Here you can watch two animations that were prepared with this technique. 

What is Bitmap Technique?

In the animations in Part I and II, we saw that the electromagnetic wave pack carried the information and that, when the pack reached the observer, the observer saw the Image Object with the information in the pack. 

Bitmap Technique is based on the same logic as well, but, in this technique, while the electromagnetic wave pack is forming, it transfers far more intense information to the observer’s field. In this way, the Source Object is transferred to the observer’s field as a photograph without disturbing its integrity and the Image Object forms almost perfectly on the field. When the electromagnetic wave reaches the observer, he sees the Image Object that has been constructed and changed into a photograph on the field. In the animation, we do not need to wait for the electromagnetic wave pack to reach the observer in order to see the Image Objected formed. As soon as the copying process to the field starts, we see the formation of the Image Object step by step with this technique. 

In the animation, the circle coming towards the observer represents the electromagnetic wave pack. The circle line works like a scanner in Bitmap technique. While the circle is passing over the Source Object, the pixels of the Source Object that come into contact with the circle are copied to the observer’s field. But!... The observer and the Source Object are in motion relative to each other. The fact that the field and the Source Object are in motion relative to each other leads to a shift in the locations of the pixels that are copied on the field and that construct the image object. And the Image Object that forms with this anomaly precisely shows us how Dimension Shift occurs. 

The speed values in the animation belong to the observer and they are in units of light speed (In the animation, light speed is equal to 1.). I did not include a speed value bigger than 0.7 c because the size of the Image Object does not fit the stage after this point. 

If you increase the distance using the slider bar, the observer will go out of the stage but this has no effect on the animation. It means that you just carry the observer to a further point. 

You can do analysis by giving various values to the animation. I suggest you watch the animation from different angles by changing the location of the observer on the Y axis, especially when the observer and the Source Object are close to each other.

The answer to the question “How does the Image Object look while the objects are moving away from each other?” is here.

The speed values in the animation are the speed of the observer. For values bigger than the speed of light, you can look at the animations in the topic “Reverse Image”. 

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